
1. Number of Places for GP-MS applicants

We will not be recruiting students for October 2024. We appreciate your understanding.

2. Application Requirements

Applicants should be graduate students enrolled either in the Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, or Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering at Tohoku University and satisfy the following requirements:

  • As of April 1st, 2024, students who will be in the second year of their master's program are preferred.
    Applicants must be enrolled for more than three years at the start of the program.
    Students in the first year of their master's program with a clear intention to proceed to the doctoral program in the field of materials science are acceptable to apply.
  • Those who have a plan for a doctoral research project related to materials science to be undertaken with international joint supervision, with a strong recommendation from the current academic supervisor, and recognized as appropriate for joining the GP-MS program

Since this program is an integrated educational program consisting of the master’s program and doctoral program, students not intending to go on to the doctoral program are ineligible to apply.
In addition to this program, it is possible to apply for other international graduate programs simultaneously. If you have passed multiple programs and wish to take multiple courses, whether it is possible or not shall be considered individually.

3. Application Procedure

Application period:

Monday, January 22 to Friday, January 26, 2024,
9 am to 4 pm

Address for submission:
GP-MS Office → Access Map
#4F Materials Collaborative Research Building (B04)

[Postal Mail]

Application documents should be received by the GP-MS Office no later than Friday, January 26, 2024.
Send by registered mail, indicating “GP-MS Application” in red on the envelope.

Mail to:

GP-MS Office
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
6-6-02 Aramaki-aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8579 JAPAN


Application documents should be received by the GP-MS Office no later than Friday, January 26, 2024.
Submit to:
*A recommendation letter must be sent by email directly from the academic advisor, or if sent by the applicant, be sure to include the academic advisor in the Cc.
*After submission by e-mail, the Program Support Office will e-mail a confirmation of receipt within 3 days. If you do not receive a receipt confirmation e-mail, please contact us.

4. Application Documents

Applicants should submit the following materials:

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Application materials will not be returned.

5. Screening

Applicants will be accepted or not based on the screening of the submitted documents and the interview.
(Interview candidates may be selected based on the screening of the documents.)


It will be taken any day between February 19 and February 28, 2024.
※The details will be announced individually, and there is a possibility of the date change.


It will be conducted for those who don’t have the score in the last 2 years, and those who request.
※The schedules may change. We will inform you of the details by email.

6. Announcement of Result

The screening result will be emailed to each applicant on Thursday, March 14, 2024.

7. Financial Support

To encourage application by excellent students from inside and outside of Japan, and to allow successful applicants to plan and practice independent and original research, GP-MS will provide financial support to the graduate students selected for this program.
The amount of salary will be determined in accordance with the rules of Tohoku University.If you are currently receiving a scholarship or financial support, consult us in advance to avoid violation of any regulation pertaining to such.
In principle, apply for “JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists” (DC)

8. Degree Requirements

To complete this program, students need to satisfy the program-specific requirements in addition to the general degree requirements of their graduate school.
For more information, please refer to the website of the International Joint Graduate School of Materials Science (

PDF of application guidelines

Application Guidelines


Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
6-6-02 Aramaki-aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8579 JAPAN
